Lifetime RSVP

Help JoJo to make the best teenager's party on planet with happy guests
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Software Informer Editor Rating 4 Software Informer Virus Free award
Used by 2 people
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JoJo is a social butterfly with a problem: nobody in her town knows how to throw a good party, and then she decided to show her friends how to do it. And so it starts, with some invitations and a dream of one day hosting a gala unlike any other: full music, laughter, and the coolest guests from all over the world.
Now it's your turn to help her to achieve her dream. But, remember that guests are the life of any party, and if your guests aren't happy then it doesn't matter if the event was carefully planned, it will be a total disaster. That's why you have to help JoJo to make her guests happy, so then the party will be a success.

But, how do you play? Easy, you have to click and drag guests onto the game board, The guests are happy when the colors on their tiles match, but unhappy when alone or mismatched. Guests on the board can be rearranged as needed or swapped around by dragging and dropping one over the other. Once the last guest is on the board, the party is over, and you will be promoted to next level.

As you can see, the game looks simple, but it's not at all. Each level is a new board with challenging new configurations for the tiles to fit into. Besides, there are other six types of guests that each one of those behaves differently, so you will have to give you best effort to make the party as cool as you can.

DM Senior editor
Daniel Mantilla
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Review summary


  • Challenging but not too complicated
  • Easy to understand and play


  • None



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